

Bi people are the majority of the LGBT community, yet we are massively underrepresented in LGBT organizations, programming, and public spending. Frankly, we should be leading the movement. Our perspective means we understand “both sides” of relevant issues. Our experience living between the gay and straight worlds gives us valuable insight into how to build bridges — rather than burn them. That's why we created QM — the only magazine in the world focused on sexual and romantic liberty for all, whether you’re gay, straight, or bi.



In the liberal West, a clear majority of people support LGBT rights. However, many are turned off by extreme rhetoric that supports authoritarian policy proposals. They are alienated by a vocal minority of radical activists who falsely claim to speak for the LGBT community. In this respect, QM stands up for that silent majority against extremists of all persuasions.


We employ the term “queer” in an intentionally broad sense: to generally describe sexual, gender, relationship, and intimacy non-conformity. Implicit in this use is our recognition that a majority of individuals have at least one aspect of their lives that falls outside the boundaries of what is seen as “normal” in a given society. And that such supposed abnormality or “queerness” is not merely okay, but is worth celebrating.


Sexual orientation is not dichotomous. In fact, it is far more fluid than usually acknowledged. Bi people make up the majority of the self-identified LGBT community, studies show bisexual behavior is even more common than identity, and polls reveal a substantial share of people surveyed in the developed world report bisexual attraction (even if they do not act upon it).


Together, these three meanings represent QM's vision. Everyone, including cis straight people, benefits from sexual and romantic liberty. These rights must be preserved, and they should be spread worldwide — so that people everywhere can live a free and fulfilled life. Gay, straight, or bi, trans or cis, all welcome as members of the queer majority. Because we are all different, just like you.

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent, QM's sponsors, or editorial staff.