This column is dedicated to exploring the thoughts and experiences of individuals who, for various reasons, find themselves existing in some sort of middle space. Whether their position be tied to questions of sexuality, religion, class, race, nationality, education, gender, age, geography, relationship structure, political beliefs, or something else entirely, they all seek to explore nuances and celebrate the shades of gray that are often overshadowed by the more popular discussions framed in black and white.
Bruce LaBruce has been told his work is too pornographic for the art world, and too artsy for the porn world.
A femme who likes other femmes felt she was being limited by labels. What happened when she decided to claim one?
NFL player RK Russell grew up learning to cherish black love. What does it mean that he’s now in love and partnered with a white man?
A lifelong poet and football player learns to punt the exhausting double life for a play right up the middle.
From silks to “Insanity”, one woman returning to the gym muses on the fitness of others’ expectations — and her own.